Complaints process


  • Complaint received by the Ombudsmen
  • Preliminary assessment
  • Case is either dismissed, opened for full investigation or postponed
  • Open cases then go into a process involving mediation/conciliation, investigation and/or referral
  • Mediation/Conciliation can lead to a negotiated agreement and follow-up to that agreement or it can break down and result in the need for an investigation
  • Investigations lead to a report and then follow-up to the report findings and recommendations for public authorities involved
  • Cases are closed when all actions and follow-up are completed


Public authorities must inform the Ombudsman of the actions it has taken with 60 days of receiving the formal report and recommendations

The Ombudsman provides the Parliament with their report and recommendations. Investigation reports are not usually published to the general public due to confidentiality issues.

The Ombudsman is committed to transparency and regularly publishes both statistics and thematic analysis of the complaints received. Individual privacy is protected at all times.

Click here to see our reports and statistics in the publications library.

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