National and international partners

The Ombudsman cooperates with a wide range of local, national and international organisations in order to achieve its strategic objectives.

In Timor-Leste these include state authorities, district based local authorities, including community leaders and district administration as well as NGOs at national and local levels.

At the international level, the Ombudsman engages with national ombudsmen and national human rights institutions (NHRI), their network associations as well as with international development partners.

Some of our key partners include:


Alola Foundation

Anti Corruption Commission

Asosiasaun HAK

F-FDTL (Defence Force)

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Social Solidarity

Judicial System Monitoring Programme
Ministry of EducationNational ParliamentMinistry of State AdministrationOffice of the President

Office of the Prime Minister

PNTL (National Police)

Rede Feto



Irish Aid

New Zealand Aid

Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Raoul Wallenberg Institution

Swedish International Development Agency

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
International Ombudsmen and NHRI networks
Asian Ombudsman Association

Asia-Pacific Forum of NHRIs

International Coordinating Committee for NHRIs

South East Asian National Human Rights Institutions Forum

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