Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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Deputy-Provedors Were Sworn In by the National Parliament

Dili – The Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice of Timor-Leste (PDHJ) is an Independent National Institution with an important role for the promotion and protection of human rights as well as for the promotion of good governance. For this aim, on 14 January 2015, the two Deputy-Provedors, Ms. Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes as the Deputy-Provedor for Good-Governance and Mr. Horacio de Almeida as the Deputy-Provedor for Human Rights, were sworn in by the President of the National Parliament, Mr. Vicente Guterres.

Provedor Silverio Baptista, after the swearing, stated the ceremony as an important phase for the Institution of PDHJ.

The Provedor addressed the President of the National Parliament as well as the Parliamentarians participating in this ceremony that, in order to reflect the principles and values adopted by the institution in the area of good governance, the first principle for the Provedoria must be transparency.

Therefore, although the law admits the Provedor to appoint his deputies, he cannot apply these tasks one hundred per cent rather than through an application process to comply with the principles of transparency.

The Provedor also informed that last year the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice of Timor-Leste was to be re-accredited by the Council of Human Rights; in the past two periods the PDHJ was accredited with  an “A” statute with some recommendations from the Council for the new Provedor to put into consideration the issues of transparency as well as the values of quality gender.

The Provedor also addressed the President of the National Parliament as well as the Parliamentarians that in December last year, under his new leadership, there was an annual retreat established to analyse the weaknesses of this institution. Through this program, there were many weaknesses identified; therefore, the assistance of the Parliament is needed as the PDHJ faces state budget limitations. The Provedor will be thankful if the Parliamentarians can allocate an additional budget for the PDHJ through the Parliament Committee A’s audience.

Though there is insufficient budget allocated for the PDHJ this year, it’s hoped that the Parliament will add the PDHJ’s budget as there is a need of changes for some mechanisms within the institution especially for the monitoring services.

At the same occasion, the Deputy-Provedor for Good Governance, Ms. Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes stated that the experience she has possessed might make her contribute better to the services of the Provedoria, as we know that the work of good governance is a great one.

The new Deputy-Provedor for Human Rights, Mr. Horacio de Almeida, appealed that in this era of globalization everything should be in harmony with our human development itself, therefore it needs the commitment of everyone to deal with the human rights and how these should be protected and promoted.

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