Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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Dissemination of the PDHJ’s roles to the Public Employees of the State Secretariat for the Youth and Sports (SEJD)

Dili- The Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) is an independent institution with an important role to promote and protect human rights and promove good-governance. Therefore, the PDHJ through its Good-Governance Directorate and the Promotion and Education Department, on 11 March 2015, conducted an activity to promote the PDHJ’s role to the public employees of the State Secretariat for the Youth and Sports (SEJD) in SEJD compound, Lecidere-Dili.

The objective of the above mentioned activity was to disseminate information on the PDHJ’s roles, Basic Principles, the Categories of Violations against Good-Governance and Human Rights and the Process of Filing Complaints to the PDHJ.

The Ad-interim Provedora, the present Deputy-Provedora for the area of Good Governance, Dra. Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes, explained to the participants that the PDHJ is in charge of examining and seeking to settle citizens’ complaints against public bodies. Its competencies are to conduct investigations, education and promotion, monitoring and advocacy. The PDHJ will evaluate complaints, undertake investigations and provide recommendations to the competent organs and that the PDHJ has no decision-making powers in accordance with the law.

Meanwhile the Director for Good-Governance, Mr. José Manuel Ferreira, explained to the participants that this activity has been planned by the National Directorate of Good-Governance to disseminate information to all the Ministries including to the Community leaders in Dili so that they also can have knowledge about the principles of Good-Governance and the Violation Categories against Good-Governance.

Also, in this opportunity, the Officer for Complaints Reception, Ms. Francelina Tilman explained about the processes of filing complaints to the PDHJ; also, the Officer for Promotion and Education of the National Directorate for Human Rights, Moizes Nazario Pereira, explained the human rights basic principles to the participants so that they also can understand about these rights.

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