Human rights and good governance violations

The work of the Ombudsman is guided by the identification and analysis of human rights and good governance violations.

In implementing his/her work, the Ombudsman makes extensive use of the international human rights treaties ratified by Timor-Leste as the main piece of legislation which provides, in addition to the Constitution, for the rights of individuals and the State duties.

Human Rights Violations are framed on the Timorese Constitution and the international human rights treaties applicable to Timor-Leste. A number of violations are identified for the main human rights standards.

The determination of a detailed list of violations is a very complex task which requires regular updating in view of analysis of the work of the Ombudsman. The list of violations current in use by the Ombudsman can be accessed here.

Good governance violations were developed by the Ombudsman based on public administration principles as well as international comparative study. These violations have been four main violations categories were established: Incompetence; Abuse of Power; Mal Administration and Illegality. A complete list of the violations and their sub-categories can be accessed here.

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