Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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Newsfrom PDHJ Timor-Leste

PDHJ Timor-Leste Hosts SEANF’s Second Technical Working Group Meeting on Human Rights

From July 10-11, 2024, the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) Timor-Leste hosted the Second Technical Working Group Meeting (TWG) of the Southeast...

PDHJ Appeals for Promoting an Inclusive Society on the Commemoration of National Day of People with Disabilities

Dili, 4 July 2024 – Maria Marilia da Costa, Deputy Ombudswoman for Human Rights, urged all entities to foster a more inclusive society in...

Deputy Ombudsman for Human Rights Participates in Meeting to Establish Inter-NHRI Inquiry Mechanism

Quezon, Philippines, June 26-27, 2024 – Deputy Ombudsman for Human Rights Maria Marilia da Costa and Investigation Officer Valerio Magno Ximenes participated in a...

Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice Presents 2023 Annual Report to National Parliament

Dili 25 June 2024 -The Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) presented its 2023 annual report to the National Parliament during an ordinary...

Chief Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice Participates in International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) XXI

Vilnius, Lithuania, 21 June 2024– Virgílio da Silva Guterres ‘Lamukan’, Chief Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, participated in the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC)...

Deputy Ombudsman Participates in the UNDP Country Program Document Board Meeting

Deputy Ombudsman for Good Governance, Rigoberto Monteiro participated in the UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD) Board Meeting on the 21st of June 2024 at...

PDHJ Promotes Principles of Good Governance and Human Rights for Leadership in Liquiça Municipal Administration

This week, from June 19 to 21, the PDHJ team of trainers conducted a three-day session on the principles of good governance and human...

Rede Feto and ADRA Presented a Draft Regulation on Tara Bandu at Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence

Exciting developments in the fight against domestic violence! Chief Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, Virgilio da Silva Guterres ‘Lamukan’ and Deputy for Human...

PDHJ Conducted an Information Session to the Community of Persons with Disabilities from ADTL

"We are privileged to have participated in this dissemination session on the role of PDHJ, as many people with disabilities are still unaware of...

Ombudsman Concerned about Medicine Stock-Out at HNGV

𝘿𝙞𝙡𝙞, 4 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙚 2024 - In accordance with the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice's mandate to oversee public institutions, the Chief Ombudsman Virgilio...

Provedor Urges Government to Invest in Key Sectors on International Children’s Day

Suai, 1 June 2024 - Virgilio da Silva Guterres 'Lamukan', the Human Rights and Justice Provedor, together with key partners, celebrated International Children's Day in...

Two decades of existence: The Provedor calls upon all entities to contribute to the development of PDHJ

Dili, May 28, 2024 – The Timor-Leste Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice held a national seminar themed 'PDHJ for the future,' gathering speakers...

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