Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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Newsfrom PDHJ Timor-Leste

Dissemination of the PDHJ’s roles to the Public Employees of the State Secretariat for the Youth and Sports (SEJD)

Dili- The Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) is an independent institution with an important role to promote and protect human rights and...

The Visit of USA Professional Fellowship Members to the PDHJ Institution

Dili- On 5 March 2015, two members of the Professional Fellowship  from the United States of America (USA), Mr. Mike Davis, an Administrator Manager...


Dili – The Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ), as an Independent National Institution established by the Constitution of RDTL article 27 and...

The Provedor Called a Courtesy Meeting With Major-General of F-FDTL

Dili, 09 February 2015 - The Provedor for Human Rights and Justice, Dr. Silverio Pinto Baptista, called a courtesy meeting with Major-General F-FDTL, Mr....

Deputy-Provedors Were Sworn In by the National Parliament

Dili - The Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice of Timor-Leste (PDHJ) is an Independent National Institution with an important role for the promotion...

The PDHJ presented its Monitoring Report regarding the Parliamentary and Government Resolution

Timor Leste’s National Human Rights Institution, the Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) has submitted its report on the results of a monitoring activity...

Monitoring Result for Missing Children 1975 – 1999

The Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice in Timor Leste has submitted its Report on its cooperation with the KOMNAS-HAM (the Indonesian National Committee for Human...

PDHJ Launches New Website

The PDHJ website, under design since the 3rd quarter of 2014, has been presented in draft format to the Public Relations Department for editing. The objectives...

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