Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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Ombudsman Virgílio Guterres ‘Leads Session for Village Chiefs in Manatuto on Human Rights and Good Governance

Manatuto, 23 August 2024 – The Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, Virgílio da Silva Guterres ‘Lamukan’, led a dissemination session for the village chiefs in the municipality of Manatuto. The session aimed to clarify the role and competencies of the Ombudsman’s Office, emphasizing the importance of protecting human rights and promoting good governance.

During the session, the Ombudsman focused on two key principles: Passion and Dedication. He urged the village chiefs to integrate these principles into their daily services. Guterres explained that commitment to these values is essential for practicing good governance and effectively meeting community needs.

Additionally, the Ombudsman discussed the importance of community participation, stressing that all decisions should involve the community. He also addressed complaints about potential discriminatory practices based on political affiliation and underscored the need for fair and equitable service for all.

“We must not allow injustices. If something goes wrong, apologizing doesn’t diminish us; it shows our commitment to fairness and accountability,” Guterres emphasized.

The event was organized in collaboration between the PDHJ and the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), the Ministry of State Administration (MAE). The PDHJ is dedicated to providing training that enhances the capacity and knowledge of public entities regarding their roles and responsibilities. By fostering a clearer understanding of their functions and a commitment to good governance, the PDHJ aims to minimize violations and infractions.

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