Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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PDHJ Launches New Website

The PDHJ website, under design since the 3rd quarter of 2014, has been presented in draft format to the Public Relations Department for editing. The objectives of the website are to promote the PDHJ and its activities, to disseminate information and to raise awareness on human rights issues in Timor-Leste. The development of a PDHJ website has been included in both the PDHJ’s Strategic Plan 2011-2013 and its communications strategy 2013-2016. The website focuses on providing information to a wide variety of target groups, including specific groups such as victims of violations, complainants such as women, minority groups and other vulnerable persons, academics and other parties conducting human rights or good governance research, State Institutions, UN Agencies, Donor Agencies and the Timorese Public in general.

One important aspect of the website is that it will be the first time ever that all human rights treaties and the vast majority of general comments will be available online in Tetum. This will form the backbone of the PDHJ’s human rights library resource which will be accessed through the website. Other important tools on the website include the ability to register a complaint with the PDHJ online through a specially designed electronic form and a calendar of all future PDHJ events.

This post is also available in: Portuguese

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