Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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PDHJ, MSA and MSS Renewed Joint Services

Dili- Through a cooperating work between the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) – the National Directorate for Human Rights, the Ministry of State Administration (MAE) and the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS) strengthened their services through a Memorandum of Understanding in 2011, with the objective to raise capacity development or training for the Community leaders throughout Timor-Leste on human rights, conflict resolutions and mediations to guarantee a good, effective an efficient control.

Therefore, on 31 March 2015, the 3 institutions renewed this Memorandum of Understanding to continue providing training for the all the Community leaders in this year.

The Deputy-Provedor for Human Rights, Dr. Horacio de Almeida said, in his opening session, that the objective of the renewal of this Memorandum of Understanding is to continue providing capacity building or training to the Community leaders, so that they can possess a good knowledge about human rights, conflict resolutions and how to be mediators when problems arise in their respective places.

The Deputy-Provedor added that this cooperation becomes a very important means for the state and government institutions, especially independent institutions such as the Provedoria for its role to promote and protect human rights as well as to promote good-governance.

The renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding  was signed by the PDHJ’s Director of Human Rights, Mr. Valerio Magno Ximenes, National Director for Administrative Support to the Villages (DNDSAS) – Ministry of State Administration (MAE), Mr. Sebastião Jose Luis dos Santos Pereira and the National Director of Social Cession Assistance (DNACS) – Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS), Mr. Amandio Amaral Freitas, and accompanied by the Deputy-Provedor for the area of Human Rights, Dr. Horacio de Almeida.

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