Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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Rede Feto and ADRA Presented a Draft Regulation on Tara Bandu at Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence

Exciting developments in the fight against domestic violence! Chief Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, Virgilio da Silva Guterres ‘Lamukan’ and Deputy for Human Rights Maria Marilia da Costa met with Rede Feto Timor-Leste (RFTL) and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency Timor-Leste (ADRA TL) at the PDHJ Timor-Leste office in Caicoli Dili on June 6.

RFTL and ADRA presented a draft regulation on Tara Bandu aimed at preventing and combating domestic violence in three villages within the Administrative Post of Maliana Villa. They seek PDHJ’s perspective from a human rights angle on the regulation.

Chief Ombudsman Guterres appreciates these efforts and affirms support for eradicating domestic violence and upholding human rights. They’ll be closely examining the draft regulation and providing feedback soon.

The Tara Bandu Law proposes a traditional approach to addressing domestic violence cases, while still allowing for formal measures as articulated in Domestic Violence Law No. 7/2010.

Together, let’s work towards a safer, more just society.

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