Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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The PDHJ Socialized Information About Human Rights to the Secondary School Students in Ermera

Ermera – The important role of the PDHJ is to promote and protect human rights and to promote good-governance. Through its National Directorate for Human Rights – Department of Promotion and Education, the PDHJ conducted socialization sessions to the students at the Municipality of Ermera started from 26 up to 28 March 2015. During these socialization sessions, the information conveyed to the students was about the role of the PDHJ, the Basic Human Rights, the Rights of the Child and Human Traffic.

The Chief of the Promotion and Education Department, Maria de Andrade Xavier, said that the objective of the mentioned activities is to increase the students’ knowledge on the PDHJ’s services, the students to know about Human Rights and violations against human rights, to know about the Rights and responsibilities of Children. She added that everything will go well depending on everybody’s conscience. Students also should know about what Human Traffic is. Human Traffic often occurs through recruitment activities, transportation of people by using various means or deceit and finally through practices of exploitation or selling of people for the benefits of those practicing human trafficking.

The socialization sessions were conducted at the Secondary School of Nossa Senhora de Fatima Rai-Laco, the Public Secondary School of Nino Konis Santana -Gleno, the Secondary School of Colegio Imaculada Conceição-Ermera and the Catholic Secondary School of Letefoho.

Saturnino de Deus, a teacher at the Catholic Secondary School of Letefoho-Ermera said they thanked the PDHJ for the information dissemination to the students so that they can be able to know their rights and musts. Saturnino added that the presence of the PDHJ at the Catholic Secondary School of Letefoho can enrich more the knowledge of the students through information so that they can be able to know their rights and musts.

The observation by the PDHJ during this socialization was that the students showed great enthusiasm to participate in the activity. In this socialization, the students promised to divulge the materials received to their parents and relatives so that they can be citizens who understand their rights and musts.

The students also, in this socialization, recommended that this type of activity should often be conducted in each school and, if possible, to the communities as well.

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