Dili, 09 February 2015 – The Provedor for Human Rights and Justice, Dr. Silverio Pinto Baptista, called a courtesy meeting with Major-General F-FDTL, Mr. Lere Anan Timor, at the Headquarters of F-FDTL in Fatuhada-Dili. Through this meeting the Provedor expressed to the Major-General that the PDHJ as a State Institution should undertake activities of promotion and education to the F-FDTL members in the area of Human Rights and Good-Governance.
The Provedor said that the objective of the promotion and education activities is to strengthen the F-FDTL Institution to carry-out their tasks more professionally. He added that the activities of promotion and education on Human Rights might be footholds for the members of the F-FDTL at the moment they are given the opportunities to take part in the UN missions in other countries representing Timor-Leste.
Meanwhile Major-General Lere accepted these ideas for human rights matters are important for the F-FDTL as well as for the Nation, RDTL. Those participated in this meeting were Ms. Jesuina M.F. Gomes, MPA, the Deputy-Provedora for Good-Governance and Mr. Valerio Magno Ximenes, the Director for Human Rights Directorate.