Ave Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste


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Integrated Workshop Tackles Corruption and Promotes Good Governance in Timor-Leste

August 6-8, 2024 — An integrated team including the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ), Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), Public Service Commission (CFP), and the State General Inspectorate (IGE) hosted a comprehensive workshop. This event aimed to advance good governance and human rights while tackling corruption in public administration.

The workshop, as part of its second phase, brought together 30 senior officials and employees from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, and Forestry to focus on effective governance and human rights protections.

Opening the workshop, Deputy for Good Governance Rigoberto Monteiro remarked, “Good governance and human rights are paramount issues in Timor-Leste. Building a country free from corruption hinges on having a robust governance system and ensuring human rights are upheld.”

Monteiro underscored that “good administration is essential for preventing governance violations. This requires sensitivity to citizens’ interactions with public authorities and high expectations for efficient, effective solutions.” He encouraged participants to fully engage in the training to derive maximum benefit.

Notable attendees included Secretary of State for Fisheries Domingos da Conceição dos Santos, CAC Commissioner Rui Pereira dos Santos, the CAC Director General, and the Director of Promotion at PDHJ.


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