Monitoring & Prevention

Dili : Iha loron 22 Janeiru 2019, Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) aprezenta tan relatóriu 3 hanesan Detensaun, Prizaun no PME ba Ministériu relevantes no autoridades Munisípiu sira atu bele implementa rekomendasaun sira ne’ebé Provedor hatada no dadus ka informasaun sira ne’ebé aprezenta bele sai hanesan instrumentu apoiu ba halo advokasia no hodi formula planu Ministériu relevantes hodi hadia jestaun ne’ebé promove efisiensia no efikasia núdar prinsipiu ida boa governasaun. Ne’e mak relatoriu kompletu.



The Ombudsman aims to improve human rights and governance standards by carrying out active monitoring and prevention programs in partnership with key state institutions such as government ministries, police, military, health services, education authorities and others.

The goal of this work is to improve the standards of these institutions and to reduce both the frequency and seriousness of breaches of human rights and good governance across the country.

Current monitoring programs include detention and imprisonment practices, the state of health services in Timor-Leste and violence against children in schools.

The Ombudsman can contact and provide advice and/or recommendations to competent authorities where problems are identified or where the potential for violations exist. The Ombudsman may also propose improvements or changes to these processes via the Government, National Parliament or directly to the relevant authority.

This work is supported by regional offices in Baucau, Maliana, Oecusse and Same as well as the Ombudsman’s Human Rights Monitoring Network which has members in each district.

The Ombudsman is currently developing a new monitoring system which will come on-line in January 2014. The new system will allow for effective, long term, violations based monitoring with in-built advocacy stages. It is envisioned that this new system will allow the Ombudsman to cooperate more closely with public institutions, civil society groups and the public at large during their conduction of monitoring activities

Please visit our publications library for reports and other information informed by our monitoring and prevention programs.

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